Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Antony was Extraordinary

When Antony was born, his parents were astounded. Antony was not the average infant. His eyes were extra bright, his ears extra large, and his legs, extra long. Everything about him was extraordinary. when his mother tickled his smooth tummy, she always noticed that he was extra ticklish. She always noticed, as mothers should, when Antony hurt, he always hurt twice as much. While Antony grew, everything else seemed a great deal behind. Antony grew so tall, that he towered over his class mates. When he walked through doors, he always ducked in order to keep from bumping his head. It wasn't just his mind that grew faster and greater than others. His mind did as well. Because Antony could hear more with his large ears, he never missed a word. Because Antony could see more with his bright eyes and his tall stature, he  could see everything that happened above and below him. Because everything about him was extraordinary, Antony attracted attention. kids would tease him for his big ears  and long legs. They would laugh when he winced every time someone poked him and screamed from the thumb tacks in his chair. Because Antony was extraordinary, He always hurt twice as much. Antony remembers hurt twice as well. When Antony left school he was budding and knowledgeable. He would would walk down down a street and absorb everything in his path. Smells, sights, sounds, and he questioned each and everyone of them.He never forgot anything. when he met Penny, his world became almost too extraordinary to handle.She saw him for who he was, intelligent, passionate and overwhelmed.  As he began to love her, his happiness envelope him. For he cared twice as much and for twice as long. The morning after they were married he woke with a start, the room was dark. Antony, had gone blind. Everyday his senses dulled,m and with them, so did his wits. When they had children, Antony's hair began to gray rapidly. By age thirty five his head was completely white. The more children they had the more he shrunk, and the less he knew of anything. His memory grew dull until he forgot his children's names, one day he tried to ride a bicycle and found that he had forgotten how to ride it. By the time he was fifty, he waddled about like a penguin, and lost his ability to speak. He wasn't a child, nor was he a man that who grows wise with age. He was only a person who grew to be so extraordinary, he began to walk backwards. One day he caught a cold, and was quickly sent to bed. His immune system became extraordinarily useless . How extraordinary of him indeed, to die from something far too positively ordinary.

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